Sunday, December 7, 2008

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Everyone gets asked this question.  Usually in 2nd grade and usually the answer is always the same.  Fireman.  Police Officer. And more recently...Hannah Montana.  I was always a weird kid.  Whenever I was growing up I never actually had to explain what my picture was.  Granted...the heads on whatever I drew were always friggen HUUUUGE, but you still got the idea.  I said point blank at that age, "I want to be a cartoonist."
  Now, this has changed over the years.  Well, more my definition of the term.  I always imagined it more of a comic strip like Garfield or the amazing Calvin & Hob
bes (and oh yes, I do have this).
Later on I still wanted to be a cartoonist but more in the sense of an illustrator.  I started looking into artists that are so talented and thought provoking you cant help but hate it or love it.  
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Every now and then I want to show some people whose work I one day aspire to be like, while creating my own niche.  Luke Chueh and Joe Ledbetter are two of them.  I start classes on Jan 12 to hopefully get paid to travel around the world and make awesome pictures.  Coolest job ever?  I think so!  Hopefully other people think my shit is good enough.  Once I have something worth posting of my own on here, I will.

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