Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I have the biggest double edge sword on earth.  On the one hand, I always love lurking out artists and seeing what they are up to. It inspires me and makes me want to become better and do what they do for a living. 
  On the other hand, shit like this is fucking terrifying.

How the fuck am i supposed to compete with that?

I'm still trying to develop my own style. Still working on ways to create characters. It's not really working, but thats bsides the point. I think I'm going to start buying sticker paper and making my mark around the city.

Monday, January 12, 2009

"Just tryin to get a motha fuckin scholorship"

  So school finally started.  It's still a weird experience.  Being in a massive hallway with people I know or have seen before.   Sitting down and paying attention to the lady giving out math quizzes is still damn near impossible.  And honestly, it's pretty fucking awesome to have a place to go and not have it be work.  
  It hasn't exactly been easy though.  Every day I keep getting bounced between my admissions advisor and financial aid.  I keep having to yell at said advisor (despite her trying to be helpful) but she never friggen listens.  Then when I go over to my financial aid advisor (who is super awesome) she gives me the consolation sigh, checks my shit, and says "Yea, she needs to stay out of this.  Her part is done."
  But in some fucking awesome news, I decided to have a meeting with some higher ups yesterday.  I met with an awesome lady named Alyson.  I showed her my sketchbook and portfolio.  She asked me about triad and complimentary colors.  She asked me about rubber cement and xacto knives.  And amazingly, I pulled every answer out of my ass.  I was able to show her examples of perspective in my work.  Color theory and design.  I actually got her to say damn.  And after it was all said and done, she did something that, she says, almost never happens.  I advanced out of Design, Color Theory, and Observational Drawing.  Which means I come way closer to my hopeful graduation date even with only being part time right now.  
  She then introduced me to alot of higher up people.  Looks like a good enough start.  Hell, since i advanced out of those classes I'm rolling with a 4.0.  so for futute reference, I wanna work at Hurley or paulfrank or a variety of other places.  Haha.
  Blackhawks game on Friday with Alli.  Im super stoked about this.  I haven't been to a hockey game since the Whalers were still a team.  Then early as fuck the next morning I pick up Jess from the airport.  Holy schedule.