Thursday, January 1, 2009

True Romance is Dead, I shot it in the chest and in the head.

  To a certain degree, every single person believes that everything happens for a reason.  Granted, people have different names for it.  Sometimes it's God.  Sometimes it's Fate.  But no one believes that you just kind of float along hoping things happen.  
  Personally, I know everything happens for a reason.  But only to a point.  If you sit on the bus and a cute girl/guy sits next to you, it's up to you to find a way to talk to them.  If your band finally gets booked to play the Metro, it's up to you to promote the fuck out of your show so more people come.  When you get those school scholarships it's up to you to decide WHICH school to go to.  
  Fate can introduce you to the girl of your dreams.  The only girl you can ever connect with.  Or be truly honest with.  You can become best friends.  Tell each other things you would never tell another soul and not have to follow up with "So help me if you ever tell anyone this I will be forces to kill you."  You can have the greatest times of your life doing the simplest things like lying down late at night waiting for Chicago Pizza to show up.  Nightmares will fade.  The only nightmares you have thereafter are of her getting hurt, and those are far worse than the nightmares of yourself being set on fire.  You save everything and still keep it on a shelf on your bookcase.  
  But fate can only get you so far.  Fate can't put you together.  Everything happens for a reason up to a certain point.  What if you lost your chance?  What if fate isn't forgiving?  That could be the only girl you ever tell those secrets to.  It could be the only girl you ever want to share a bed with.  
  If fate isn't forgiving, will you be alone the rest of your life?

Will I always be as alone as I am now?
  Everyone says "don't worry, you can talk to me about it."  They might mean it, but sometimes you can't.

Especially when you want to talk about that person.

Fuck me this hurts more everyday.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Awesome toys I want.

Seriously people, get on it...

Actually...I should stop looking.  I just keep wanting more of them.  Its like crack I swear.  All toys here and in my xmas list and more.  20 inch kozik dunny?  seriously?  i dont care...I want.