Friday, December 12, 2008

Please vote for me and send to friends.

This is for a scholorship.  please tell everyone.

And this sums it up

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Shape of Pop Culture to Come

You can always tell what kind of kids people used to be.  Just look at them now.  Their job.  Behaviors.  Even hobbies.  Chances are if he has a blue/white collar job then they went out for little league.  If those barbies kept all their hair and lived an awesome life in their dollho
use then you might be looking at your current housewife.  Then there are people like me who proudly displays all their toys like badges of honor and has sincerely thought of naming his first dog "Soundwave."
  I went on my usual trip to Bestbuy tonight after my college meeting.  Usually I dont have a plan.  Tonight, I rolled in to pick up The Dark Knight on DVD.  Being the nerd that I am, I looked for one of the ultra mega sets that includes bonus features and anything else.  The one I picked out came with a tiny replica of Batman's helmet.  I brought it up to the register and a girl looked at it in a very confused way.  
  "What do you do with this?" she asked me.
I honestly didn't have an answer.  Jokingly I shot back, "It's for my hamster.  I already made him a tiny cape."
But the more I thought about it, the more I REALLY thought about it.  Why the fuck do I spend hours on eBay looking up vintage Ninja Turtles or Transformers toys?  Why have I thought to myself, "I have an extra 200 dollars!  Lets see what I can pick up on Kidrobot..."
  Maybe it's because although I keep getting older and taking on new responsibilities, I refuse to fully grow up.  When you grow up, your heart dies.  You give in to what people around you think you should be doing.  Don't get me wrong, I am all about ACTING grown up.  I can pay my rent on time.  I can feed myself and maintain a job.  But the second I let someone else make my decisions for me or tell me I should get a real job is the same second the person I have become is dead.  Everything I have fought against is over and I become someone with a 9-5.  
  Anyone who knows me knows thats not what I want.  And they damn sure know I won't be listening to them anytime soon.  But the day I sell MY toys on eBay just to get rid of them is the day I may as well change my name.  I really have no idea where I will be in 5 years.  But I know know it will be on my terms.  I'm a kid of pop culture and hardcore bands.  It's what raised me.  Too late to turn back on it now.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Everyone gets asked this question.  Usually in 2nd grade and usually the answer is always the same.  Fireman.  Police Officer. And more recently...Hannah Montana.  I was always a weird kid.  Whenever I was growing up I never actually had to explain what my picture was.  Granted...the heads on whatever I drew were always friggen HUUUUGE, but you still got the idea.  I said point blank at that age, "I want to be a cartoonist."
  Now, this has changed over the years.  Well, more my definition of the term.  I always imagined it more of a comic strip like Garfield or the amazing Calvin & Hob
bes (and oh yes, I do have this).
Later on I still wanted to be a cartoonist but more in the sense of an illustrator.  I started looking into artists that are so talented and thought provoking you cant help but hate it or love it.  
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Every now and then I want to show some people whose work I one day aspire to be like, while creating my own niche.  Luke Chueh and Joe Ledbetter are two of them.  I start classes on Jan 12 to hopefully get paid to travel around the world and make awesome pictures.  Coolest job ever?  I think so!  Hopefully other people think my shit is good enough.  Once I have something worth posting of my own on here, I will.