Saturday, February 7, 2009

Real Life isn't nearly as great as in the movies.

Yesterday I saw this

To say I was incredibly excited for it is a vast understatement. And holy hell it did not disappoint. Real life is really not as awesome as in this movie, in either universe. I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but I will say it has potential to break into my top 5 movies ever list. I actually laughed at myself because my I could feel my heart racing at certain points. My only gripe is that I have been putting buttons on eyes for years. But I suppose I can exist in a world with more buttons. Hollywood will always produce crap, but recently they have been doing some things right. Oh, and If I don't win those Nikes someone is going down.

I also currently have 9$ to my name. But I am totally ok with this because I don't have to write a rent check until APRIL. OH YES mother fuckers. And it was tax return money. So I am severely excited about this. Maybe now I can get slightly ahead. On real people things...bills, school, supplies, digital camera, ps3....who knows!

If anyone has a decent idea on what the fuck to do for my birthday please let me know. So far I a digital camera and try to get alchohol poisoning. haha.

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