Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Passed out at work

Why is it that everyone is supposed to go to high school ,then college, then get a grown up job...yet it is fucking impossible to find money when you DO want to go to school?  Yesterday I went to my financial aid advisor to find out that I can only attend class part time and pay 110$ out of pocket a month.  so heres how my monthly bills will round out....

3145994820-art supplies.

Shit is expensive.  So today while at work I started rambling off....everything.  I started talking really fast like I do when I'm back home.  Then, even faster.  Then I started to get shortened breath.  Then, fell down.  I came to and people gave me water and sent me home.  Apparently trying to better yourself isn't fucking easy.  I know so many people that take college for granted.  "Oh, my mom is making me go."
  Well chances are your mom is also paying for your shit so stop fucking whining.  How bout your dad co-signs for me so I can go to school and not have to worry about if it will make my ass homeless.

I just dont fucking get it.  But I'm also sick of these stupid fucking jobs that I dread going to every day.  This is the only way out I guess.

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