Saturday, January 31, 2009

Let the confusion continue

Holy lack of updates! Here is a (very) Brief update of going ons

-School started. Honestly, the only class I actually give a fuck about is Form & Space. Currently, I am hot glueing 1000's (yes thousands) of matchsticks together to form a 3d word "vandal". I swear it makes sense but I keep running out of glue sticks.

-Work is still annoying. I think I am pretty much on a quest to see how many people I can piss off. Personally, I think the shit is hilarious. The Thursday/FYS signing should be pretty awesome though.

-Jess flew in from Long Island to visit for a few days. Her ass woke me up most days at 7am and I nearly killed her. I always forget about the way touristy things to do here until someone visits.

-I did my taxes and am able to pay 2 months rent. Thats right, suck it.

-Hockey games in general are still as awesome as I remember. Drunken people watching people hit each can you go wrong? honestly.

-Yes, If you burn your hand on the stove you get the fuck away from the stove. But sometimes you burn your tongue on pizza. You dont swear off pizza if you know it can be good. This only sorta explains what the fuck is going through my head. My everything hurts.

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